Thursday, November 8, 2007

#4 Wiki

Just had a hell of a time trying to find my blog. My user name had changed! How frustrating. Wanted to give it all up! What a trial.

Looked at SJCPL Subject guides. They're edited by staff on a wiki. Just sounds like a lot of work for staff; not clear why they're wikis.

Princeton Public Library. Saw it. Absorbed it.

Same for Library success, SLV Training wiki and AGLIN.

I see now what wikis are being used for in libraries. Good comunity-building tools, if you're clear on who your communities are. SLV is all things to all people, so not clear that we can use wikis in this way. Good tool for internal purposes, like manuals etc. There would be no point in reproducing book covers (expensive to digitising) and reader reviews - we're not a shop! (like Amazon). Abrstracts and contents lists would be great added to catalogue records, but that would not be a job for wikis.

1 comment:

elephants parading said...

Glad you found it again. Having my first blog disappear into the ether, I empathise that the tech itself can be frustrating.

Wikis can be valuable when utilised internally for staff. The format can also allow content to be created and published outside the constraints of an authorised website.